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NOW we are the 27th STUDENT COUNCIL
We love the batchh!

Love us.

Hello aliens !
Welcome to our batch blog, and i shall say we welcome any comments.:D
Feel free to tag at our blog, we will give you a reply if we think it's needed
But, if you dislike us, you can choose to press ALT+F4
Thanks! :D
hearts talking.

alternative exits.

We are proud to be the X-FACTOR!!
Our secondary one co-ordinator :
Khoo Yong Kang! ♡♡
Pang Jia Xin! ♡♡

Our Secondary two Co-ordinator :
Rupini! ♡♡
Koh Zhi Ye! ♡♡

The X-factors! :D

Pearly Low ♡
threeone, fourone!

Abdul Aziz ♡
threeone, fourone!

Abdullah ♡
threetwo, fourtwo!

Amorif ♡
threetwo, fourtwo!

Zul ♡
threethree, fourthree!

Shirmaine Ng ♡
threethree, fourthree!

ShuHui ♡
threethree, fourthree!

Tiara ♡
threethree, fourthree!

Itriah ♡
threethree, fourthree!

Faruq ♡
threethree, fourthree!

Corene Lee ♡
threefour, fourfour!

LooXin ♡
threefour, fourfour!

Nurul Farida ♡
threefour, fourfour!

YongYang ♡
threefour, fourfour!

LayPing ♡
threefive, fourfive!

Farah ♡
threefive, fourfive!

JiaJun ♡
threefive, fourfive!
Explorers, DragonBoat

XueJing ♡
threefive, fourfive!

WaiChi ♡
threefive, fourfive!

Arivindd ♡
threefire, fourfive!

KinHun ♡
threefive, fourfive!

Bairavee ♡
threefive, fourfive!

Weien ♡
threefive, fourfive!

Shalini ♡
threefive, fourfive!

Mark ♡
threefive, fourfive!

Kavitha ♡
threeceee, fourceee!

JaslynLee ♡
threeceeee, fourceeee!
Modern Dance

AliciaNg ♡
threeceee, fourceeee!
Mordern Dnace

Once a X-factor,
Always a X-factor

KarnaWee ♡
threetwooo, fourtwooo!
Chinese orchestra

QianHui ♡
threetwooo, fourtwoooo!
Mordern Dance

MatthewNg ♡
threefourr, fourfourrr!
Asian Language and Culture Club

TianXiao ♡
threethreee, fourthreeee!
Chinese Orchestra

Ranald ♡
threetwoooo, fourtwooo!

JunHao ♡
threefourr, fourfourrr!

Kevin ♡
threefiveee, fourfiveee!

Danial ♡
threetwoooo, fourtwooo!

Janine ♡
threebeeee, fourbeeee!
Jasmine ♡
threeceeee, fourceeeee!
Modern Dance

Nadiah ♡
threeebeeee, fourbeeee!
Modern Dance

X-factor;Dan (:
X-factor;Zul (:
X-factor;LayPing (:
X-factor;Shirmaine (:
X-factor;JiaJun (:
X-factor;Corene (:
X-factor;Abdullah (:
X-factor;Kevin (:
X-factor;WeiEn (:
X-factor;Mark (:
X-factor;Tian Xiao (:
X-factor;NurulFa (:
Spapa;Zhiye (:
Mama;Jiaxin (:

my days, not yours.

September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
June 2010
January 2011

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

heyy guys. maybe to keep this blog going gonna give a short post. 

well some of you may know that this period of time has not been exactly the best time of my life, failing most of my subs, for common tests, having really bad mood swings and all. firstly, i really appreciate the support and encouragement you guys have given me(: really touched. 

at one point of time recently, a thought of giving up life just came to mind, to just go through the motion in everything in life, living life not to the fullest but actually otherwise, the most minimum. 

however, i daunted upon a certain video that life's not just what we see, there's more to life than what we see, be it studies, friends, family. 

really hope this video would be a source of encouragement to those who are at a verge of giving up in their lives. ( btw, ignore the christian stuff at the back, it's more of the fornt part that's really touching)

? 10:23 PM

Hey guys,
I just randomly thought about all the times we had spent together.I cherish those moments together.I see that many were complaining that we are drifting apart and etc.But today i can see that many are trying very hard to glue us back to what we used to be.I am proud to be a xfactor!
So i just want to say,


Haha..And many might be thinking that im quiting the batch thats why i write this emo sh**!haha..i give you this: -_-! I just felt like saying this out because it is you guys who have always been there for me.You guys are my pillar of support;you guys are always there to share my tears and grief,as well as those laughter and joy.
So thank you very much for everything!I would like to say good luck for the upcoming secondary one camp,interactive day camp and other events we are going to be a part of.
If you have any batch photos or any photos which only has our batch people in it,please pass it on to abdullah.He is going to collate it and do something with it(will be known during a meeting).
And if you have anything to say,a shoulder for comfort and things along that line,remember,you have got a friend in me.

I will listen especially in times we disagree..


? 9:20 PM

Friday, February 20, 2009

hey guys!:D

i'm here to update you about the much anticipated Interactive Day Camp! hahaha anyways everyone is required to come up with a proposal for the camp. It has to be in the standard proposal format and has to include all the details-from what's going to happen the time they start camp all the way to the time they break camp. You are also allowed to work with anyone you like. But most importantly, the date of submission is next Wedesday, 25th Feb!:D So jiayou!

[P.S: if you dont have the standard proposal format, feel free to ask me for it or just anyone else!^^]


? 9:14 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hey guys,

Here is a copy of the discussion topic in our facebook group regarding the recess duty.I am posting it here so that those without an account can share their opinions as well.

Is it really neccesary for us to catch people everyday just because they bring sweet drinks to class?In my opinion,we should reconsider this system and make amendments to it.It is unfair to those who get caught by us and are unable to get away successfully,like the majority.And also it is the same story everyday,with the same people attempting to smuggle sweet drinks.So it is a definite waste of time to catch them everyday and i feel we should stop this system of recess duty.
The reason why sweet drinks are not allowed in classes is because if spilled, they would attract ants and other unwanted pests and it would be a hectic job to clean up the mess.
However,both sides have got to benefit in this case.So the students will be allowed to bring sweet drinks to classes.And if the sweet drink spills,they will have to clean it themselves without the assistance of any cleaners.The monitors of each class will ensure that this rule is adhered by the students at all time.I cant assure that this will be a success but perhaps we can trail it for a month or so and evaluate as a batch during any meeting.This is something the discipline committee and i discussed about.Please tag your valuable feedbacks regarding this issue.

-ariVindd(For one last time,CHANGE WE NEED)

? 9:17 PM

Monday, February 16, 2009

yea!!! finally i noe how to blog...hehe. anywayz, sorry for the symbols...i think the meeting was very fun though everyone anticipated a thrash out and some serious talking. the game was quite fun and i enjoyed my time with the DC and SAC. somehow, i feel i am just fated to be in SAC. i think the game brought out he important message which was not to work for reward; but for self satisfaction. and then there was the long long message that Wei En read and the long long talk about the CCC and someone. it was a good session, ifeel. also, as a DC, i want to ask why nobody is turning up for RECESS DUTY!!!! never mind. we shall settle this matter tmr. remember to come for DC tmr morning at 6.45 am SHARP. and Happy B'dae WAI CHI LYCHEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by mohini aka shiny XD

? 8:44 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

changed the blogskin(:
hope u guys like the new skin(:(:(:(:(:
i make efforts changing it okay?
applause pls! :DD
feel free to make amendments to it if u lik(:


? 1:05 AM

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hello X Factors and fellow readers,

I would post my reflection as well as another entry to clarify matters. Let's start with the latter because I feel that I must clean up the mess.

Feedback by Random
Firstly, with regards to the tag by Random,
thank you for your feedback and I will look into it. Or rather I have looked into it. I have personally seen the teacher in charge and will speak to the monitor and monitress soon because as far as I am concern, I only communicate regularly with them. Wei Ni, who is in that particular class I take during flag-raising has assured me that she does not believe any of these are true. However since the issue is being raised, I shall be responsible and accountable for my actions. Though I feel that in order for me to justify myself or change, it would be of great help if you could come to me personally or perhaps point out where I went wrong and maybe we can compromise and work things out. I am very willing to reflect upon my actions.

I personally feel that if a person is genuine in pointing out one's mistakes/flaws, he/she would do it face to face or in a respectable manner so as to not embarrass or tarnish one's pride or reputation. It is difficult when you don't make an effort to explain to me where I went wrong but instead proceed with the tag. I don't know what your intentions are but it is very clear that I am in a difficult position now because my juniors read this blog. Should they lose their respect or believe in me for something I am unsure of myself, I cannot guarantee guiding them in future with much trust from them, for me. I appreciate very much your effort to make known to people who chance upon this blog about my actions because you gave me an opportunity to constantly check with people around me if I had done anything wrong. I assure you now that I have a lot more sense of initiative and I am more sensitive about my surroundings.

Even after this, if you have any other matters. do feel free to approach me as I am very sincere about changing for the better. Thank you.

I came in late because of CCA thus I missed the game and only joined during the last part =)
Nonetheless, it was something different and enjoyable!
About the sharing of views, (Jun Hao and Kevin issue)
i feel that it is a personal problem and I pray so hard the 2 of them can get it settled asap.
Kill your ego guys and just give in. PLEASE STOP FIGHTING?
& please batch, don't separate into 2 tribes okay? Unity, remember?


? 2:37 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Abdullah's Reflection.

Some things that happened during meeting.
- Game.
- Thrash out postponed.
- Praveen.
- Controversy.

  • Game
Played some game Rupini & Zhiye organised. Not a bad game at all. Co-ordination in this game is key. So is communication. All in all, I enjoyed the game, and I don't see why this game shouldn't be played in some camps or workshops in the future.
  • Thrash out postponed.
Like alot of people, dissapointed that thrash out was postponed.
  • Praveen.
Should Praveen go to CCC or SC. I say SC, but with the Sec 2 batch. Possible?
  • Controversy.
The controversy on Kevin with Junhao. Just have to say it seems personal than a thrash out-like.

? 9:11 PM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

HELLO! happy birthday to kevin lee! followed by bairavee! and itraih! woohoo~~ happy birthday! MUACKS.

hmm about the meeting. yar till now, i still dunoe what the definition of trash-out. for me, i tink trash-out is just a meeting of speaking out from our minds. hmm the game dam fun. woohoo~~


? 11:05 PM

Hello !! :o)
1st Time Posting . Hehe .

Abt Coords Meeting. II Had CCA During The Meeting.
But II Went Home && Called Nadia To Ask Wad Was The Meeting Abt.

She Say The Trash Out Was Postpone To Another Day. II Also Heard Abt Kevin && Jun Hao Issue. Then Abt Praveen Whether Hee Can Join Council Again. II Don't Really Understand This Part. Which Is The CCC Thingy. Praveen The CCC Vice - President Or Something ?? II Don Get It Actually. II Mean Like Whats The Purpose Of It && Wad Must Be Done ?? Then Heard That Played Game Something Like Make AA Word Using Names ??. II Clearly Don Get The Game As II Was Didn't Play && Didn't See How It Went Like.

II Got Smth To Mention. Nowdays II Can See More Cliques RR Forming. ( Noo Offence Plz ) But Yaa From My Point Of View ,, II Feel Quite Sad Seeing That Happening. Eventhough II Don Talk Much In Council II Still Try My Best To Be Close. But As Cliques RR Forming It Is Hard For Mee To Communicate. Not To Hurt Anyones Feelings Laa. But Yeahh II Wish UU All Can Understanding Wad Am II Trying To Say. Anyway Thats All From Mee.

X-Factors ALL THE BEST FOR URR COMMON TEST 1 !!!!!!!!!! :o)(o:

Kavitha. :o)(o:

? 7:22 PM


Anyway i am here to post about my reflection for the meeting...ok first of all i think that this meeting is quite beneficial (: becuz i really did reflect on myself and indeed bond with my comittee and really get to knw them hahas ^^ den our grp gt creativity (: which is a great job done larh hahas! ><

What i have acheived after this meeting is i have talked and communicate with my friends which i didnt really talk to for a long period of time....and now to be good frens like how we did before...this is what i think bonding...

(Frm My Own View)
Actually strictly speaking, i dont think we hav any communication breakdown is jus that we did not make an effort to go communicate with smeone else between the batch.As you all aware there are several cliques formed, in our batch. Let me ask u a question will u call and chat with the person middle in the night if he/she dosent belong to ur clique? Dont say about communication.....let's just start from Be Friend (: hahas this makes all our life easier and less taxing...actually we do not need to hav any bonding games to be bond us tgt...we mus start from our daily life, if everyone contribute and make an effort to be close friends and make the boundaries between the cliques..we will be again a strong batch (: anw this is from wad i think oni =]

okae cum back to the question hahas games were fun and exciting(: hahas anw i feel how weien feel abt the meeting that part hahas seriously i really did not hav much to write hahas (:

Shirmaine (:

? 12:03 AM

Friday, February 6, 2009

oh yayy, i'm the second to post my reflection:D

oh well, 

from the meeting,

i guess i learnt more about my commitee member(s) especially yy. hornyyyyyy. hahahahha! he kept talking about disgusting horny stuff -.-

well, on a more serious note, i learnt that winning a game doesn't necessarily need to come side by side with a prize, it's the inner personal sense of achievement that really proves to myself my capability of doing something extraordinarily. 

secondly, though thrashout has been postponed, (no offence to the people who organised it), but like what rupini had said, a thrash out is for the batch to offer comments to a certain batchmate for her or him to improve on. however, from what i see it to be that, the problems we have now, are not individual problems but BATCH problems. 

problems that we encounter having a batch, not problems about each other. hence, i would have found it more fufiling if a meeting were to be held, to be about the BATCH and not the INDIVIDUALS in the batch. 

adding on, I HAVE LEARNT HOW TO SPELL RUPINI'S FULL NAME :D *clap* but i still don't know what the darn word rupini mentioned means. LOL. i don't even know what's the word:D

okay, i really don't mean for this post to be long so i'm going off. ciao.

weien (in change we need, in change we want, in change we will make) :D

? 11:09 PM

erm.. our dearest sexy mama said we're supposed to do a reflection on the coords meeting rite??
x-factor hurry do hor!
eh.. i dunwan to sound serious on blog cos it meant to relieve ur stress tru blogging cn?

meeting was.... fun [cos the game quite fun(: ] at the same time tired... [cos of sch wrk... ]
like wad zul mentioned,
i was a bit -_- when the trash out was postponed cos personally i tink dis thing shld carried out fast if we were to see improvements in the batch n clear any misunderstandings (oh craps, obviously), as u cn tell, some of us were not vry happy wif the rest, if dis were to be carried out (provided majority of the batch mates r present) , perhaps we try to solve it tgt??

game was FUN!
if there was a prize for the most enthu grp,
we 100% pluz guarantee plus chop get prize de, haha!
realise tt u cn actually unleashed ur creativity tru dis activity..
take for example shalini's grp:
she "sliced" the paper into small size n add in back space n all sorts of dunnoe wad to form her vry own "keyboard" which allows u to backspace if u ever typed the word wrongly...
tt is u'll nvr get penalised even if u typed in wrongly cos u haf ur backspace (oh lobster dis time)
the game allows the specific committee to wrk tgt as there will normally be wrking tgt?? (i dunnnoe how to phrase -.-''')
one thing for sure:

i dun do spamming during blogging but i hate to say tt i dislike ending a meeting late.. yeah, hu doesn't??
anw, wad's so difficult about upholding ur own discipline?? juz wear high socks (like me, crab, lobster n wad next??), wear ur badges n ties n so on n so fore... wad's so DIFFICULT??
dun make life difficult for dc cn?? we shld b responsible enuff for our own discipline.. (oh yeah! seafood! =.="')

as i mentioned above... i dun do spamming during blogging
i better let others haf a chance to tok... ltr i finished riting all wad they wnt to sae then they confirm gt nth to rite.. LOL ><

i dun do spamming but i wnt to sae tt

tt's all folks, byebye(:
yeah, i'm layping!

? 10:20 PM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yo !

Here to comment about the coords meeting ... o.O

Arent we supposed to do so?


Anws, i personally think that the meeting was OKAY.

Was abit dissapointed that the trash out was post-poned.

I was mentally getting prepared for the firey trashes...

I was also preparing myself to get trashed.

Hahah, but nonetheless learned quite a few things from the meeting.

Learned a new game, Could be used in IDC?

Learned about our months rating, it sucked but we will strive better.

Learned that kevin was still fighting jun hao, ZzZzZzZzZzZz why cant they just WORK along or something and why couldnt jun hao just wear his badge?

Learned difficult words, wont be using them much.

Learned not to show my *** to rupini, HAHAHAHA

Learned that coords meeting was very meaningful,but yet again very draggy

Learned that trash out was post poned, wasted preparing.

i can conitnue on, but better not,, it will turn into crap.....

So there my review,


? 6:50 PM